Col de Vars

The Col de Vars is situated in Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur. This climb belongs to the Alps. The Col de Vars through Guillestre is ranked number 545 of the Alps. The climb is ranked number 284 in France and number 1426 in the world. Starting from Guillestre, the Col de Vars ascent is 19.4 kilometers long. Over this distance, you climb 1111 meters in height. The average percentage is 5.7 percent. The maximum slope is 9 percent. 

Col de Vars Experience

As we head south to Barcelonnette, the pass is a perfect climb to break up the drive. 20 kilometers.  1,150 meters vertical.  A beautiful winding route, although there is a little bit of traffic as it is part of the Grandes Route des Alpes and one of the only roads crossing this section of the Alps.  Vars ski station is about two-thirds of the way up. That’s me, the tiny speck on the right.

Stele with lots of history, dating back to 1300’s. This was often a contested border point between Italy, France, Savoie, and a couple of battles have been fought (way) up here.

Col de vars

Climbing the Pass

I climbed the the pass in a week’s cycling that took me over 8 big cols, from Cuneo Italy, to Alpe d’Huez. Col de Vars in mid-week was one climb I struggled on as it was so hot with little shade. The real climbing doesn’t start until you’re 8,000 or 9,000 in, but once you’re at the top the pain, it is all forgotten. Incredible views and a superb descent. Excellent!

I was fairly young when i did the climb. I had already done a lot of climbs the days before and I was very tired! The day we did this was very hot! The first part is a nice constant gradient but I was finding it hard! But once you get to the village of vars, there are a few down hills which made my get my act together! Once through the next village it kicks up towards the top but it was nice and cool.

Nice cafe and souvenir shop at the top. I spent the rest of the day chilling at the Embrum Lake!


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